Want to see what treasures await us in the forests of the Yuba River watershed?
Join the Yuba Watershed Fungus Foray and Wild Mushroom Exposition on December 12-13, 2020 at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center (17894 Tyler Foote Rd., Nevada City, CA 95959). Please note: this is a different location than the previous several years.
The event will be significantly scaled down and completely outdoors in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
At the Fungus Foray, on December 12, we have space for 6 participants in each of the 7 foray groups. Each group will leave the Schoolhouse at a different time on Saturday morning or early afternoon and drive to a separate foray location. Participants will drive separately in single-family groups and will maintain 6 ft. of distance at all times. Purchase Tickets for the Yuba Watershed Fungus Foray (12/12/20)
On Sunday, December 13, the Wild Mushroom Exposition will take place outside the Schoolhouse, and participants can sign up to view them and talk to our mushroom experts during 1-hour shifts throughout the day. Each shift is limited to 12 participants. Masks or face covering will be required, and proper social distancing will be encouraged. Purchase Tickets for the Wild Mushroom Exposition (12/13/20)
PLEASE NOTE: The Sunday Wild Mushroom Exposition will be cancelled in the event of rain. All ticket-holders will be reimbursed in full if the event is cancelled.