Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83340491831?pwd=Q2R0VHhMVk15dU1zWDVOVlpBbFNoZz09
Call in: +1 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 833 4049 1831, Passcode: 757324
The Yuba Watershed Institute (YWI) is collaborating with Sierra Forest Legacy, South Yuba River Citizens League, Fire Safe Council of Nevada County, Sierra Streams Institute, and Open Canopy LLC to bring you an evening of learning and discussion about the history of fire in the California landscape.
Following these two lectures, a panel discussion will focus on how examining historical cultural burning and what we know about factors influencing fire severity can drive management of our increasingly fire-prone forests.
This public event is in support of the Spring 2021 Cal-TREX Yuba prescribed fire training workshop, during which representative from local non-profit organizations will receive training in prescribed fire skills. Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges (TREX) are a nation-wide program coordinated by The Nature Conservancy.
For more information about this event, contact the YWI at info@yubawatershedinstitute.org.