An evening with JoAnn Fites-Kaufman, Forest Ecologist USFS
Friday, January 30, 2015 at 7pm
Madelyn Helling Library Community Room
Suggested donation $5.
Friday, January 30, 2015 at 7pm
Madelyn Helling Library Community Room
Suggested donation $5.
The Yuba Watershed Institute appreciates all the participants, volunteers, and company sponsors for the 2014 Fungus Foray and Wild Mushroom Exposition. We had record attendance of approximately 400 visitors and 286 species identified so far! The year of the big mushrooms brought many new people to learn about the kingdom of fungi and many experts were on board to learn from our collections. We are so inspired to have hosted this endeavor for 18 years and look forward to an even bigger and better event in 2015!
On Saturday, November 15, a team of almost 40 volunteers showed up to help remove fuels from around old growth trees on the San Juan Ridge to protect them from wildfire. Afterwards they enjoyed a picnic lunch at the Erickson Woodworking workshop and a tour of the processing of local hardwoods into furniture.
The 25th Edition of the ever-eloquent journal, Tree Rings was published in December of 2013. The theme of this edition was “The Importance of Water.” The journal is chock full of essays, poems, articles, and artwork related to this topic of utmost importance, with contributions from Gary Snyder, Kelly Patton, Hank Meals, Sara Rabkin, Tom Van Wagner, Kurt Lorenz, Corey Hitchcock, and more.
Make sure your membership is current and you’ll automatically receive a printed copy of Tree Rings in the mail!
The 24th edition edition of Tree Rings was published in the fall of 2012, with stories of settling and building homes in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Contributors included Randy Griffis, Jennifer Rain, Sam Dardick, Bob Erickson, Hank Meals, Bruce Boyd, Maria Ryan, Marc Ryan, Alicia Funk, Farrell Cunningham, and Gary Snyder.
Make sure your membership is current and you’ll automatically receive a printed copy of Tree Rings in the mail!
Download Tree Rings #24