18th Annual Fungus Foray and Wild Mushroom Exposition
December 12-13, 2015
Shady Creek Outdoor School and Event Center (new location this year)
Saturday, December 12, 2015, 9am-4:30 pm:
Our traditional Saturday morning wild mushroom hunt and identification will wrap up with an afternoon of displayed discoveries and identification workshops. Please arrive by 9am to register and sign-up for a foray group.
Bring a lunch and be prepared to walk in the damp woods. Also useful: collection basket, waxed paper bags, knife, and hand lens. We will drive to sites 15 to 30 minutes away, and some may hunt on site. Please carpool and be open to sharing a ride with other attendants.
Following the foray, wild mushroom soup and other wild-crafted food will be for sale and we will present the following speakers.
- 1:30-2:30 Jonathan Frank- Boletaceae in the western United States– updates and observations
- 2:30- 3:30 Dennis Desjardin: California Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Identification Guide
- 3:30- 4:30 Darvin DeShazer- The Best Edibles of California
More details and driving instructions available at our events calendar.
Sunday, December 13, 2015:
Sunday we host the 5th annual Wild Mushroom Exposition. The Exposition is filled with presentations, interactive displays, and workshops based on our seasonal Sierra mushrooms. Stop by any time between 11 am and 4pm. There will be wild-crafted food concessions, mushroom merchandise available for sale, and the following speakers will present.
- 11:30 -12:30 Danny Newman: Fungi and Parataxonomy in the Neotropics
- 12:30- 1:00 Matt Berry: Fire Tending and Fire Making With Fungi
- 1:00- 2:00 Jonathan Frank: The Fungal Life Aquatic
- 2:00- 3:00 Marlene Bottenfield of Tumbling Creek Farms- Cultivating Wild Mushrooms Biodynamically
- 2:00- 3:00 Todd Spanier- Mushroom Cooking Demonstration
- 3:00- 4:00 Alan Rockefeller: Mushrooms of Mexico
- 4:00-4:30 Best of Show, A Mushroom discussion at the display table
More details and driving instructions available at our events calendar.
Please be aware there are NO dogs and NO smoking at the Shady Creek Center.
Saturday – $20 general; $15 for YWI members; children and full-time students free
Sunday – $10 general; $8 for YWI members; children and full-time students free
Email danmadrone@gmail.com or call 530-575-6192
More details and driving instructions available at our events calendar.